Hellcat, Trackhawk, TRX, Durango Intercooler pump Issues

All factory Hellcat based intercooler pumps are a suction-based pump (puller pump) whereas normally pumps are pushers.

As example we had a customer on a hellcat who was using a BMR tank, this tank has an internal baffle tube inside it. This tube is used to stop ice ingestion/blockage.
Because he was using a chiller he didn’t need the baffle tube. Once the tube was removed there was no fluid flow, no matter how he plumbed it there was no flow.

Once the tube was put back in the flow came back. The reason the flow returned was because the pump is sucking through the intercooler bricks, which then sucks through the baffle tube. The flow restriction from the intercoolers and baffle are allowing the pump to create suction.

What you are actually chasing is the flow to be as fast as possible, the faster the flow the colder your temps are.
Choking the pump like this is equivalent to saying “let’s go to the gym after work, one condition though I’m going to choke you the entire time”. It’s counterproductive to what you’re actually trying to do.
The faster that your fluid flows the higher energy exchange takes place inside your heat exchanger or chiller, and the colder the peak intake air temp will be as the fluid keeps the intercooler bricks colder when the hot boosted air is trying to heat the bricks up.

In addition to that the Hellcat pump is load sensitive, if it loses suction the pump will turn off as shown in the example of the baffle tube.
If you evaporate some fluid, or fluid spills out of the overflow when really hot this small loss could be all that’s needed for the pump to say “Nope I’m turning off”.

We have had several guys use our chiller for 2-3yrs on the Trackhawk and then swap to the Whipple 3.0 and the pump stops straight away, because the Whipple’s intercooler is less of a flow restriction Vs the stock intercoolers, so the pump again doesn’t have enough load and turns off.


We have solved this issue and massively picked up the flow rate with our drop in replacement CWA400 intercooler pumps, check them out here: