There is so many Interchiller reviews, dyno’s and videos of our interchiller and spacers we cannot possibly put them all on to one page, but will do our best to include some of them.
Firstly it must be known we can put our interchiller on ANY car, truck, bus, running any turbo or supercharger with any type of fuel including diesel, methanol and even nitrous applications.
You can view a list of all models we have ever done here:
You can view our fast list which contains cars running our products that hold world records here:
You can view many different video interchiller reviews on our video page here:
You can also view many different cars builds/interchiller reviews on our latest build page here:
Before we get into the interchiller reviews, you need to understand the following, we often have people ask us: “What are you intake temps across the finish line?” or “What are the intake temps on X-model car?” These are totally valid questions with many different answers.
You have to understand what is controlling the peak intake air temperature whilst under wide open throttle – and it’s not the interchiller at all!
What controls your intake temperature is the temperature of your intercooler fluid, how much fluid you have and just as important the flow rate of that fluid.
The temperature delta (change in temperature) from the start line to the finish line is dictate by your fluid volume and flow rate…nothing else.
Lets take a couple of examples, lets say you have a factory heat exchanger setup connected to your intercooler, your fluid temperature is 25c (77f) and your fluid flow rate is say 20L per min (5.28gal per min).
The total fluid volume in your entire intercooler system is lets say 2.5L (0.66gal).
Based on the 20L per min flow rate the 2.5L fluid capacity is going to complete 1 full lap of the system every 7.5sec, this means that every 7.5sec under wide open throttle you are starting to re-heat your intercooler fluid. As no heat exchanger can possibly dispel all of the added heat, instantly temperatures start to rise especially if you have completed a burnout prior to your run, or low air speed idle conditions with no air flow to allow the heat exchanger to actually work.
In this case we can see it would be an advantage to increase the fluid capacity by the way of adding a reservoir to the system, essentially buying us more 25c (77f) fluid volume so that we don’t re-heat our fluid whilst we are trying to cool down the intercooler. So lets add say a 10L (2.64gal) reservoir to the system.
Now we have 2.5L + 10L = 12.5L (3.3gal) total fluid capacity, and with our 20L per min flow rate our fluid will now only do 1 full lap every 37.5sec, meaning if we spend 10sec at wide open throttle we now have a constantly supply of 25c (77f) fluid for the entire time spent under wide open throttle. (with a chiller this will be a constant supply of -10c (41f) fluid as example).
Now the intercooler pump:
The only 2 pumps we recommend are the ones that run as fast as physically possible, they are the CWA400 and the EMP pump, both have extremely good on car flow rates – most other pumps are great at emptying a sinking boat or transferring water from 1 fish tank into another where you have no flow restrictions like an intercooler involved (these are known as volume pumps, not pressure pumps), this is why we only recommend these 2 pumps.
Now that you understand you need fluid volume, the next goal is to keep the intake temps down as cold as possible via the flow rate.
To understand this, the slower the fluid passes through the intercooler the more time it is exposed to the heat of the supercharger or boosted air (or both) or surrounding engine temp in turbo applications. Meaning that the fluid will get hotter. As such the surface temperature of the intercooler since it is being cooled via the fluid inside it, the surface temp will also increase.
The goal, under all conditions; idle, cruise and especially wide open throttle is to pass your fluid volume through the intercooler as fast as physically possible.
Imagine you have -10c (14f) fluid, what you are trying to do is keep the intercooler surface temp at -10c (14f) whilst in boost…obviously this is physically impossible but you are trying. The faster the pump goes the colder the surface temp of the intercooler remains, the hot boosted air hits this freezing cold surface and drastically changes in temperature. We have seen data log proof on a mid 9sec LSA in our tech articles here: That if you swap from the factory LSA pump to the EMP or CWA400 the finish line temp drops from 46c (114.8f) to 31c (87.8f) This is purely because we are keeping the surface temp of the intercooler colder via both fluid volume and flow rate.
What are we trying to say here?
What we are saying is the temperature delta (change in temperature) that you currently experience without a chiller will be EXACTLY the same as what you have now, as the 2 things controlling your temperature delta are fluid volume and flow rate. If you increase your fluid volume and flow rate this will obviously reduce the peak intake temperature whilst in boost and under wide open throttle.
Adding our chiller to your car will not change the temperature delta, it will simply make your starting and finishing temperature freezing cold.
To truly have the best results you want the coldest possible fluid, combined with the correct fluid volume Vs your intercooler pump flow rate.
For every 3 degree Celsius (5.4f) that you reduce your intake temps you increase oxygen density by 1%
In your engine our goal is to burn fuel, for fuel to burn it needs oxygen. The more oxygen we introduce into the engine the more fuel we can burn.
The more fuel we can burn, the more power we can create.
Engineering Tool box has a great calculator showing this exact example here: Oxygen – Density and Specific Weight vs. Temperature and Pressure (
As an example, if your peak intake air temperature (under boost at the end of a 1/4 mile) is hitting 80c (176f) and via the use of our chiller we get this down to say 30c (86f), the result is as follows:
The oxygen density has increased 16.62%
This is why you want to get your intercooler fluid temp and the byproduct of cold fluid (intake temps) as cold as physically possible, the colder the more oxygen dense the air is, the more fuel you can burn the more power you can create…period!